Select Your Amazing Holiday Greeting Cards for Christmas, Hanukkah, Thanksgiving, New Year, and More
Would you believe that Americans buy nearly 6.5 billion holiday
greeting cards annually, and that those result in yearly retail sales of these greeting
holiday cards of nearly $8 billion? Yes, it's true! Predictably, the most
popular seasonal holiday cards are Christmas cards, with an estimated 1.6
billion cards each year. Behind Christmas, the other popular holiday occasions include
business and company holiday greeting cards, Hanukkah, Thanksgiving, and New
Year. Because of these amazingly popular holiday greeting stationery card
demands, websites like offer a wide array of styles, colors,
designs, and sample wordings, one of which can be found at
And, you will also find lots of holiday greeting card wording samples and ideas
to ensure your thoughtful cards are totally unique. You will find a small
sampling of these holiday cards next.
Holiday Treeline Contemporary Greeting Card
Snowflakes Greeting Holiday Cards
Christmas Treeline Holiday Greeting Card
Holiday Greeting Ornament Cards
Holiday Freedom and Peace Greeting Cards
Holiday Greeting Snowflake Cards with Wreath
Holiday Business Stationery Cards
Business Holiday Card with Logo
Nativity Holiday Business Greeting Cards
Merry Christmas Snowflakes Greeting Card
Jolly Christmas Photo Greeting Card
Christmas Tidings Greeting Cards
Blessings Thanksgiving Greeting Cards
Unending Thanks Greeting Thanksgiving Card
Thanksgiving Sentiments Greeting Card
Menorah and Stars Holiday Hanukkah Greeting Card
Hanukkah Holiday Aglow Greeting Card
Hanukkah Holiday Photo Greeting Card
Wonderful Time Photo Holiday Greeting Card
Argyle Storyline Photo Greeting Holiday Cards
Colorful Photo Greeting Holiday Card
Global New Years Celebration Greeting Cards
New Year Fireworks Greeting Cards
New Year Cheer Photo Greeting Holiday Cards
for lots more popular, stylish, and discounted holiday greeting cards, CLICK ON your special occasion above
Many people become a bit confused regarding the best and
most accepted term or phrase to use while adding their own words, phrase, or
usage, so you will find a few suggestions next.
Happy Holidays –
These two words have has become the catch-all greeting to cover all aspects,
especially with so many people celebrating such a variety of holidays at the
same time of year. And, while 'holidays'
is not a proper noun, technically, in instances like these, it is being used to
replace words that are, such as 'Christmas', 'Kwanzaa', 'Hanukkah', and so on.
So, the use of the capital first letter is a common and acceptable practice
even when it is part of a sentence, as in 'Happy
Holidays' to those whom you are sending them to. Other than uses such as
these, lowercase 'holidays' as in 'I hope you enjoy the holidays'.
Best wishes for the
holiday seasons – Everyone knows that holidays are a special time of year,
so it is very tempting to add emphasis by capitalizing all the words associated
with them, thus you would have, 'Best
wishes for the Holiday Season'. But you should avoid this temptation and
rely to the basic rules of grammar, which will ensure you are never wrong. General,
capitalize only those proper nouns in your phrase, such as the holiday name and
the first letter in all sentences.
Decking the halls
– using expressions from popular songs of the holidays can be an exciting and
personal way to send your best wishes, like in 'Hope you enjoy decking the halls', but many people wonder whether you need to capitalize the
adaptation or emphasis it with quotation marks. In most situations, neither is
necessary. Unless the start of a sentence or proper nouns is involved, the use
of lower cased letters is appropriate. Quotation marks can be used to emphasize
the fact that you're borrowing from what might be licensed material, but if the
expression is well-known, using them is more a matter of preference than
official style.
Joyous Kwanzaa –
Although often misspelled, the most accepted spelling for this holiday is
'Kwanzaa'. You should avoid confusing it with 'kwanza' which is the Swahili word meaning 'first', of which the
holiday is derived from.
Peace on earth –
This is just like 'deck the halls'.
You should capitalize 'peace' only if
it is the first word in a sentence. And, there is no need to capitalize 'earth'.
The tradition and custom of giving greeting cards during the
holidays as an eloquent expression of personal affection for friends, family,
or associates continues to be deeply ingrained in the youth, and it is expected
that this tradition will continue as they grow up and become adults and manage
their own important relationships. So, the prediction is that the need for holiday
greeting stationery card websites like will only become
For lots more, read
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