Understanding Your Child's Christening Baptism Ceremony and Celebration
A Baptism, usually for an infant baby, commonly referred to as a Christening in some religions, is a very significant and important religious occasion for the family. The Baptismal ceremony usually involves the parents of the infant as well as the godparents who have been selected. The actual Baptism ceremony is conducted during the Sunday church service before the entire congregation and can include the Baptism of several people during the same service. The priest will bless the child and sprinkles Holy Water on his head to symbolize his entrance into God's covenant.For the religious ceremony, the baby boy will wear an appropriate suit while the baby girl will wear a baptismal gown. These dresses and suits are usually kept as a family heirloom and probably have been worn by family members before them. It is not uncommon for a mother to use her wedding gown to create her baby girl's Baptism gown. This adds another layer to the familial importance of the ceremony. Usually, the parents will prepare and send out custom Baptism invitation cards with the Baptismal suit or gown on them. Find a few sample invitation designs for Baptismal ceremonies and celebrations below, available at websites like InvitationsByU.com.
Sampling of Unique Baptism Invitations for Ceremony and Celebration
The Godparents will have lots of duties and obligations, one of which is to join in and participate in the Christening Baptism ceremony by actually holding the baby. They will also be involved throughout the child's life in helping to guide him, spiritually, as he grows up. Choosing the godparents is a personal issue and matter parents take very seriously because of the long-term commitment they are asking to be made. The actual Baptism Christening ceremony is usually followed by a luncheon celebration in which the entire extended family, including, of course, the godparents will be invited. In fact, typically the godparents will hosts the celebration party for the family.
Personalized Baptism photo invitations are becoming very popular for religious Christening Baptism ceremonies and celebrations, primarily because it is an excellent opportunity for the parents to share photos of their infant with family members and invited guests. And, because of the significance of the occasion, these Baptism invite cards, more times than not, are kept as keepsakes by those receiving them. Most of the Baptism invitation designs at sites like InvitationsByU include soft colors of blue for boys, pink for girls, and, of course, white. The most common and popular motifs on Baptism invitations are Baptismal suites for boys, gowns for girls, and the ever popular cross.
So, as you begin planning your child's Baptism Christening religious ceremony, celebrate it with traditional symbols of devotion such as: angels, crosses, baptismal suites and gowns; precious praying baby hands; and other religious symbols. Your adorable and sweet girl or boy is certain to have a wondrous and blessed day for his Baptism. So, be prepared by ordering your discounted baptism invitations online today at Invitations By U.
Read more about ceremony celebrations for Baptismal and invitations at:
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