Surprise Baby Shower Invites for That Perfect Baby Surprise Shower Party
At first thought, you might think that first-time moms will be rather cool to the idea of sending surprise baby shower invites, but if the event is pulled off successfully, the party can be one of her more cherished moments. However, before too much planning is done, you, as the hostess, should determine if the mom-to-be would want or enjoy a baby shower surprise party. Some people just don't like surprises, so if you doesn't already know, you will need to check with someone close to the expectant mom who knows her personality well enough to decide if custom baby shower surprise invitation stationery should be used.Surprise Baby Shower Invites Planning
The next step in planning the surprise baby party is to determine who the mom-to-be would want to attend the celebration. If this is not possible or practical, then you would be wise to invite only the people who the expectant mom would approve of attending. The personalized invitation stationary cards should be sent to only friends and family members.Another significant element of the planning involves choosing the most appropriate theme the guest of honor will adore. If you know the theme of the new baby's nursery then that theme could be included in the invitation cards, favors, and decorations of the event. Once the theme is decided and finalized, it's time to send off the creative invites. And, you'll certainly want to ensure they include that the gathering is a surprise and should be kept a secret.
Hints for Keeping the Party a Surprise
Regardless of the theme, getting the mom-to-be to the party can be very tricky indeed. Most likely, the expectant mom will suspect someone, during her pregnancy, will probably be planning a baby shower celebration of some sort. Unexpected meetings at the your home or a restaurant will most likely draw suspicion. Recruiting close family members or friends to trick the guest of honor and get her to the event would be an ideal plan.For the mom-to-be who is delivering near a major holiday, the holiday itself can be the perfect rouse for bringing the guest of honor to the party. The holiday motif can be incorporated into almost everything including the invitations. If the expectant mom is giving birth around Christmas, the unexpected gathering could revolve around the winter season. Christmas stories, traditions or decorations can be incorporated into the announcements, as well as the party itself.
Baby Shower Surprise Invitation and Party Favors
After you have added your embellishment to your baby shower surprise invitation and mailed them, then you'll need to turn your attention to other areas. For party favors, you might want to consider a small disposable camera. Your invited guests will want to capture the moment that the star of the show walks in to find her friends and family waiting to celebrate her special moment. If providing the guests with disposable cameras is not practical, then you might want to ask the guests to bring their cameras when they RSVP.From choosing the perfect surprise invitations to creating the perfect rouse, these type baby showers can be a bit of a challenge, but it can be well worth the effort to see the look on the expectant mom's face.
While you are ordering the invite stationery, don't forget the matching thank you cards for the expectant mother to send out to all those who gave gifts, attend the celebration or participated in any way. There are lots of unique surprise baby shower invites wordings, saying and verses that can help the mom-to-be choose the perfect appreciation phrases and verses.
Read about Popular Surprise Baby Shower Invites Styles, Chic Baby Shower Party Invitations, Affordable Surprise Invitation for Baby Showers, and lots more written by Sarah Porter for
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