Monday, August 6, 2012


Halloween Celebration

Halloween Celebration Party – Ancient Traditions Influence on Modern Hollowing Parties

The Halloween celebration party originated from cultures residing in Britain, Ireland, and the United Kingdom of old. Today however, Halloween has become amazingly popular, so much so that stores begin selling Halloween invitations, decorations, garnishments, and candies long before the month of October even begins. Approximately 40% of the citizens of this country either choose not to celebrate for religious reasons or they simply do not acknowledge the holiday. However, that means that an astounding 60% of individuals do participate in these holiday events and enjoy these traditions. In this country, the celebrations for Halloween is strikingly similar from one region to the next.

Celebrating Halloween

Invitations for Halloween Celebrations

Halloween Celebration Party – The Beginning

Scholars have traced back the origins of this holiday to the Celts. When the Celtic tribes inhabited parts of Europe, they grouped the year by divisions of light and darker seasons. As the summer months waned into the fall months, the Celts acknowledged the diminishing light and the naturally growing darkness. The month of November was the beginning of a brand-new year for them so Halloween introduced the closing of an old year. Common traditions practiced during those days involved carving turnips, lighting large fires, and roaming through the town wearing a variety of costumes. It was believed at the time that divination was easily possible so practices involving forecasting people’s future were also involved. Many of these old practices resulted in lasting images and icons and carried Halloween associations for centuries. Many of those Halloween invitation designs are available in the gigantic collection offered by CardsShoppe. Using Cards Shoppe patented personalize and real time preview …

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